Version 1 - 18 Jan 2022
Every club committee has a responsibility to implement and communicate codes of conduct, as well as relevant policies and processes which link to the codes.
The Safeguarding section of the UKA and relevant Home Country governing body websites contain examples of the documents listed below.
As an affiliated club (The HAWCS Athletics Club) we must:
Adopt the UKA and HCAF Child Safeguarding Policy and Child Safeguarding Procedures, and ensure they are displayed prominently on websites and social media pages
Adopt the UKA and HCAF Adult Safeguarding Policy and Adult Safeguarding Procedures, and ensure they are displayed prominently on websites and social media pages.
Adopt the UKA and HCAF Codes of Conduct and ensure they are signed up to by those working and volunteering in regulated roles, parents/carers and athletes (clubs that have online membership processes, or utilise third party sites, must make sure the process includes a section for the applicant to read and agree to abide by the codes of conduct).
​Adopt the UKA and HCAF procedures for managing safeguarding concerns.
​Adopt a disciplinary process for managing misconduct cases.
Appoint a minimum of one Welfare Officer in line with UKA guidelines and role description for Club Welfare Officers.
Ensure that all coaches and volunteers are recruited safely and are operating appropriately within the club environment (i.e. that they hold appropriate up-to-date qualifications and licences, have undertaken a satisfactory criminal record check, and are adhering to the safeguarding policies, terms and conditions of their licence and the relevant codes of conduct).
Ensure that coaches, technical officials and club officers attend recommended safeguarding training every three years.
Adopt an induction process for new members that includes agreeing and signing up to the codes of conduct, safeguarding policies, discipline policy, anti-bullying policies and other relevant information.
Liaise appropriately with parents/carers, officials, coaches, UKA, the relevant HCAF and other relevant people/organisations to ensure that good practice is maintained.
Maintain a register of safeguarding training attended and criminal record checks completed relevant to club members, and share this register with the HCAF when asked.
Ensure that contact details for Club Welfare Officers and relevant agencies are openly displayed in club environs and on club websites, and made available to anyone who requires them.
Ensure that club officers and volunteers act responsibly and set an example to others, especially younger members.
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every club member and others involved in athletics.
Develop an environment that promotes the wellbeing and safety of athletes above other considerations, including the development of performance.
Consistently promote positive aspects of the sport such as fair play and never condone rule violations or the use of prohibited or age-inappropriate substances.
Accept that all office bearers and committee members have a responsibility for safeguarding children’s wellbeing and protecting them from harm, and are prepared to respond to any concerns of abuse or poor practice.
Challenge and change poor practice.
Implement any recommendations of UK Athletics or the relevant HCAF.
Promote an environment where all concerns can be raised without fear of victimisation or reprisal.
Ensure that everyone volunteering or working with children or adults at risk at their club attends relevant safeguarding training every three years.